Albertus Blog

Albertus Blog

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy can't stop Albertus from our event!

As Hurricane Sandy ripped through the NorthEast, especially New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, we were all fearful of what this hurricane would bring.  At Albertus, we had a set plan.  If the power was to go out, we would meet in the Campus Center.  Luckily, the power did not go out and we were fortunate enough to be able to stick around in our residence halls.  If you are not from around the area, I'm sure you heard on the news of the destruction Sandy has caused.  Thousands went without power, sadly, some people were killed, homes were under water and a trampoline even ended up in a power line in Milford, CT!  It was really sad to see that some people lost everything and I hope that they are O.K.  My family, in Hamden, CT, is still without cable or telephone up until this day (Wednesday) and they have no idea when it will come back on.  It's crazy to see how much people rely on technology and other devices in their day to day life!  However, Monday night we had a FIFA tournament and even though Sandy was still going full force outside, students still came down to play in the Pub. There was a $50 cash prize to first place and $25 to second place.We also had just dance tournament that same night and the prizes were the same. Students were tired by the end but pulled through for the win. Everyone had a great time and the competition for both games were tough.
These are some pictures from Hurricane Sandy:


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