Albertus Blog

Albertus Blog

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to Go to Infinity & Beyond with your Resume!

Every month, a requirement to being an RA means that you have to do a floor function.  This semester, we are required to do two for each RA (a total of 4 floor functions for my building.)  My co-RA Alex and I typically would always do the floor functions together and because we are so close, we decided we would still help each other out at these events.  We are required to do one educational program where the residents are learning something and one social, where the residents have fun and get to know each other.  Tonight is Alex's floor function "How to go to Infinity and Beyond with your Resume" (notice the cheesy Toy Story reference!)  Her event is an educational one and we planned it together.  We thought about what is something that many residents may not know how to do.  I thought about when I was a freshman/ sophomore and I remembered not knowing how to write a resume or a cover letter.  We decided to plan an educational session where they will learn the fundamentals of writing a perfect resume and cover letter.  We bought Albertus folders from the Albertus bookstore and cut out slips of papers with the steps to writing a resume/ cover letter.  Which ever group puts these papers in order correctly, gets a folder.  We are also going to provide them with pizza.  I hope this educational program will go over well and the residents will learn something new!  In order to advertise, Alex made shooting stars and posted them all around the building.

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