Albertus Blog

Albertus Blog

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back from NACA!!

Well I'm back from NACA and I survived! Let me tell you 3 days of essentially no sleep takes a lot out of a girl! NACA was a great time and being able to see what other schools in the area have done was pretty awesome.  In total, 50 schools came from the areas of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and even Maryland!  Because there is so much to discuss about, I just want to highlight some of my favorite moments of the conference :) :

  • School Swap
School swap is a really fun part of NACA but it's totally hectic!  Each year, there is a theme for NACA.  This years theme was "In Pursuit of Knowledge" like the game Trivial Pursuit.  Each school is asked to created a board of any kind- you can highlight your most successful events, use lots of color, really just go in any direction you want with the board.  We tried to stick with the Trivial Pursuit theme and did "Albertus Pursuit."  We put different categories on the board such as Geography, History, Sports, and Entertainment.  Each category had various questions with the answers underneath and pictures to go with it as well.  The best board won a certificate, as well as best use of theme and best dressed (hence the reason why we are all decked out in blue!)  Unfortunately, we didn't win best dressed but it was fun to show school spirit and rock our blue wigs!  Frankie Falcon even made an appearance at NACA and had a blast dancing with students from other schools and challenging other mascots to a dance off;  and no surprise Frankie won every dance battle he was challenged to! Along with school swap, schools are given 45 minutes to literally swap any left over items that they have from events.  You can bring t-shirts, pens, note pads, frisbees, posters, etc.- anything you have left over from the events you have done in the past year and trade with other schools.  Not only does this provide SGA with ideas for events but we also get to keep everything that we receive!

  •  Showcases
As I explained in my previous blog about NACA, we attend showcases of various performers, comedians, spoken word poets, musicians, hypnotists, lecturers, and self proclaimed "love doctors."  Each performer gets 15 minutes to perform part of their skits and this gives the audience a taste of what they can bring to their school.  Due to these showcases, we found 4 performers we are highly interested in to bring to Albertus!  NACA is the best place to find performers that we like and want to bring to AMC.  The picture above is of Amanda Corbett, Vice President, Matt Brancaccio, President, and myself after a showcase rocking some mustaches that we received!

On the last night there was a late night special showcase.  It was a "Party Rock" themed concert with a stage, DJ, laser lights and special glasses.  Once you put the glasses on, the laser lights looked so crazy!  It was dark in the room and the music was so loud but it was a lot of fun.  They played a lot of techno which isn't my favorite type of music, but everyone was into it so I enjoyed myself. 

Some other things I enjoyed were:
  •  The Campus Activities Market Place where various performers and novelty companies gave away cd's and novelties to try to sell themselves to your school
  •  The closing dinner ceremony- Matt Brancaccio won a student leader award! So proud of him.
  • Spending time with my fellow SGA members

and of course last but not least, being able to relax!!

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