Albertus Blog

Albertus Blog

Friday, March 29, 2013

The end will be here sooner than I think...

Who can hear the music that they play at all graduations? Because I can and I'm trying to plug my ears because I don't want to believe that I will be graduating in 2 months!  When I think about it, I can't even believe that I will be graduating.  I feel like my time here at Albertus has flown by.  I remember being a freshman commuter student and feeling so scared because I didn't know anyone.  It's hard to believe how different I am from when I was a freshman- shy, timid, didn't want to get involved.  Now, I still am shy at times, but I am so involved and I feel that this has helped break me out of my shell.  My advice to any college freshman would be to get involved.  I think that it helps keep you organized, prioritize what you need to do, as well as make friends and have fun!  I gained so many friends from joining SGA my freshman year, and even though I don't really talk to those people anymore (they were seniors when I was a freshmen,) I think that it helped me learn where my path would be at at Albertus.  This past week, there was a Graduation Fair for all graduating seniors and graduate students.  You could purchase your cap and gown, learn some information about the Alumni Association, as well as do your financial loan exit counseling where you learn just how much loans you have taken out, how much you owe, as well as how long it will take you to pay back your loans.  Student loans are a big part about college so make sure you try not to take out too many!  You don't want to get stuck with an astronomical loan debt that you will have to pay for the rest of your life!  I would recommend trying to get as many scholarships as possible.  Search on Google and you'd be surprised to see how many grant/scholarship opportunities there are out there! I purchased my cap and gown at the Graduation Fair (picture is above) and it was bittersweet when I was doing so.  I'll be wearing my cap and gown on May 19th, 2013 and will be graduating from Albertus with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Business Management with a concentration in Marketing :)

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