Albertus Blog

Albertus Blog

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Difficulty with courses


This semester, I started taking an online course called Money and Banking.  I thought that the class would be a breeze because:
A. It's online
B.  I've had the professor before
C.  I'm a business major so I've learned about banking systems from Micro/Macroeconomics.

However I was wrong!  The class is pretty difficult and it's taught through an outside sector called Aplia.  I didn't really need the course to fulfill a business requirement; I simply just took it because I felt like it would be good to know and it wouldn't be too difficult.  In the mean time, I found out that my friend Olivia who is also a student blogger is in the class.  We have decided to try and meet up at least once a week to study and attempt to do the assignments together.  Each of the questions on the Aplia website are different from another persons, so Olivia and I never get the same exact question even though we will be working on the same chapter.  I feel that having a study buddy though has helped me in the class.  If I don't understand something, Olivia is right there to explain it to me and vice versa.  So one tip if you are having trouble with a course:  Get a study buddy! It really helps when someone explains how to do something instead of reading it out of the book sometimes.

When Olivia and I couldn't meet up one day but I wanted to get the assignment done, I decided to meet with my professor.  She has designated office hours, where if you don't understand what's going on in the course, she'll help you (just one of the small perks of attending Albertus- small school equals professors knowing you and being able to help face to face!)  My professor helped me with some of the questions on the quiz and also on one of the assignments.  It's crazy because even some of the questions she was stumped on!  Even though the work was difficult, she was still able to help me and I got the assignment done.  So tip Number 2:  If you need help, ASK for it!! There is really no harm in asking or letting a professor know that you don't understand something.  They are here to help you learn so never be too scared to ask for help because it will do nothing but help you do better in the course!

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